RingCentral: The Evolution of Seamlessly Integrated Cloud Work Environments

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Have you ever called a company to ask for help and never heard back? Or did one of your calls get transferred and end up getting disconnected? These minor disappointments add up. Training your staff in customer service is one way to address this issue. You and your employees can only fully succeed if everyone has access to the necessary tools, such as a unified communications system.

That's why Hypershift has partnered with RingCentral. Based on the name, you might assume it is a phone system. Yes, it is a phone system—much in the same way that the iPhone is just a phone. In reality, it does so much more.

There are four core reasons why you should consider replacing your traditional voice system with RingCentral.

  1. You Get An All-In-One Communications System - including Voice, Online Video Meetings, Team Messaging & Analytics
  2. You Can Get Coverage For Dozens of Countries
  3. You Look Smart By Saving Money On Your Telecom Expenses
  4. You Get Reports On Every Call Made

A Smooth, Fortune 500 Quality Phone System

Your customers expect to be able to contact your company by phone and get a quick response. You need a modern phone system that smoothly handles calls to meet their demands to achieve this. RingCentral makes that possible with these features:

  • CRM Integration: When customers call, they don't want to repeat everything from their last call. That's why RingCentral integrates directly with Salesforce. Your sales and service representatives can quickly pull up a caller's history and serve them. By using CRM integration on each call; you can serve customers faster.
  • Call Recording: Recording calls is a tested way to ensure quality. That's why RingCentral automatically records calls and keeps them on file for months. If you receive a complaint, you can pull the recording and investigate quickly.
  • Call Logs: Keep total records of every call coming to and from your company so you can create statistics and staff up effectively.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Support: Guiding customers to the correct department is critical to serving them quickly. RingCentral lets your customers ask for "sales" or "customer service" and get routed directly to the right people.
  • Online Fax: Sometimes, you still need to send and receive faxes. RingCentral has you covered with online faxes, which is an excellent feature because you don't need to worry about losing track of essential documents in the office. Instead, you can send and receive faxes from your iPhone, eliminating paper altogether.

As an Internet-based phone system, we need to mention one critical point. If you combine RingCentral with an unreliable or low-bandwidth Internet connection, you might be disappointed by the results. However, that's a minor issue because most businesses already have high-quality Internet connections.

Use integrations to extend RingCentral's features into every facet of your business. You can connect to CRM platforms like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, and Zoho. For customer service, RingCentral supports Zendesk, ServiceNow, and Salesforce. That means you don't have to change your CRM and customer support tools - RingCentral already supports the leading applications.

Manage Calls From Around The World With RingCentral

Your company probably has connections around the country and internationally. You might have a customer contact center in one country, an assistant in another, and major customers in a third country. With traditional phone services, connecting all these people is costly, and dealing with multiple telecom providers can be extremely complicated.

With RingCentral, you can enjoy excellent phone service in numerous countries that are on par with traditional carriers.

  • North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
  • Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland
  • Asia: Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan

In addition to phone service, RingCentral provides local and toll-free phone numbers in more than 100 countries worldwide. That means your customers can reach you by calling a familiar local number.

This setup is valuable because you no longer have to ask people in every area to set up and manage cell phone services. That's not all. The company also provides local calling numbers and customer service support in French and German.

Cut Your Telecom Bill With RingCentral

Did you know the average phone bill has skyrocketed in cost in the past decade? Some blame limited competition in the telecom sector. Other commentators highlight increasing taxes, fees, and surcharges applied to phones. One researcher found that taxes on the average wireless bill have risen from 15.1% to 19.1% since 2008. That's the bad news—if you do nothing, you will steadily increase your telecom expenses.

Does this mean that you are at the mercy of the telecom companies? Not at all. Just look at the results that RingCentral delivers to the company line. Box, a technology company with over 1500 employees, found a 60% savings in using RingCentral over its previous legacy solutions. Box isn't the only company that has achieved that level of savings, either.

Directing saving money is only the most obvious way to save money. Using RingCentral will save you money in administration, and your organization can operate your phone centers with fewer staff. Further, you can reduce the time required to follow up with customers because you are not missing their calls.

Get Out of The Dark With RingCentral's Management Features

As a manager, you simultaneously face constant pressure from executives and must respond to your employees' needs. In some industries, you also need to worry about regulations. RingCentral makes life easier for managers by offering high security and management reports.

Reporting Capabilities

To make smart management decisions, you need up-to-the-minute data. Otherwise, you risk guessing and merely hoping for the best. With RingCentral, managers can get calling data and reports to make smart decisions. Here are some of the data you can pull from Ring Central.

  • Call Volumes: If you start to see a spike in call volume, you can detect the problem quickly and make changes. For example, if call volumes suddenly fall to zero, you may have a technical issue to solve.
  • Average Speed To Answer: As customers wait on hold, their frustration builds. Track how long people wait for service using the average speed to answer metrics. To make the most of this metric, establish a goal for speed to answer (e.g. 5 minutes or less) and track accordingly.
  • Missed vs. Answered Calls: When your company fails to answer a call, you are one step closer to losing that customer. By tracking the number of missed calls over time, managers can identify call patterns and adjust accordingly. For example, you might find that you face a heavy load of calls on Monday mornings as customers get back to work and want problems fixed.

Tracking these call metrics is critical because research shows that slow phone service causes customers to complain, yell at your staff, and post complaints online.

Keep Up With Regulatory Requirements

In some industries like healthcare and banking, you must demonstrate that you are taking every step to protect customer data. RingCentral is built to address those security needs.

By managing calls in a secure platform, you can deliver excellent customer service and avoid the possibility of fines and negative publicity for failing to follow regulations.

Save Money and Improve Phone Performance With Hypershift and RingCentral

Save money, improve customer service, and make life easier for your managers. That's what you can achieve with RingCentral. How much money and hassle can you save? There's only one way to find out. Contact us to evaluate your current telecom situation.